About Tao Sangha North America

Tao Shiatsu Therapy

TAO SHIATSU: Healing from the Buddha​

Founded by the Buddhist priest Ryokyu Endo, TAO SHIATSU is a Revolutionary Ki Meridian Oriental Medical Treatment.

It is based on the Buddhist (Mahayana) and Taoist concepts of unification with the Universal Spirit, and deep compassion for and oneness of all human beings. In the spirit of Eastern Medicine’s holistic approach to health, the Meridian Method of Tao Shiatsu is the expression of the practitioner’s heart and spirit. It affects the ‘whole’ person – physical, emotional and energetic – and not just some part of the person.

Meridians are Ki. Meridians, by their very nature as channels of Ki or life-energy, exist as Ki, and respond to our intention and our heart, and not to our ego-consciousness. They can be identified only in a state of unification between the therapist, the patient and the Universal Spirit.

Ryokyu Endo

Tao Shiatsu monk therapists treat each patient with faith in the Tao: through healing one person, the healing of all beings will be positively influenced.

The purpose of Tao Shiatsu treatment is to heal the patient’s subconscious, because Ki exists in the subconscious. This is the fundamental difference between Tao Shiatsu and not only other Shiatsu methods but also other medical treatment methods of the modern age.

Combining over 30 years of clinical practice and research in Shiatsu and Nembutsu Samadhi Buddhist practice, Ryokyu Endo has created a truly unique Eastern Medical manual treatment for everyone. With the wish and the vow that the Infinite Heart will increase Tao Shiatsu practitioners dedicate themselves to each patient and to all beings.

Tao Shiatsu Therapy is a treatment that you can accept and understand from the bottom of your heart.

Questions & Answers

A: Tao Shiatsu treatment helps variety of symptoms. (Please read Symptom page)

A: Fee is determined by each Center (Link to Make Appointment page)

A.  It’s about 60 minutes, depending on your symptoms.

A: Loose and comfortable clothes, like t-shirt and sweatpants or yoga pants.

A: In the case of an emergency, please call your practitioner as soon as possible.

You are about to feelso much better!