As a result of her regular Tao Shiatsu treatments, Jeannette is now free from back and shoulder pain. For a long time, back and shoulder discomfort prevented her from doing the things she loved and negatively impacted her quality of life.
“When I come to Lawrence’s clinic, I feel so much better,” says Jeannette. “He’s the only one I trust because he helps me to de-stress and unwind.”
Jeannette credits her improvement to Lawrence Lefcort, RMT, a certified Tao Shiatsu teacher and therapist and director of the Tao Sangha Healing Centre in Dunham, Quebec. She was looking for a therapist who could help her be free from pain without the use of medications, injections, or other invasive medical procedures. After a personal recommendation from Marie-Claude, a local hairdresser in Dunham, Quebec, Jeannette made her first appointment.
What Causes Upper Back and Shoulder Pain?
Pain manifests in many ways and different forms. It can be acute, or short-lived and respond well to therapeutic intervention. Similarly, pain can be recurring, rearing its ugly head sporadically over time, or it may be chronic, disabling, and need regular care and therapy.
Acute and chronic pain impacts an astonishing number of North Americans, with more than 100 million adults suffering from chronic pain alone. Chronic discomfort can result from older age, injury, stress, or the musculoskeletal effects of surgery. The persistence of chronic pain is a major reason why so many Canadians turn to natural body therapists to be free from their symptoms.
Many factors can contribute to the development of upper back and shoulder pain, including:
- Recent or older injuries
- Sleeping or working posture
- Repetitive motions
- Wear and tear
- Lack of exercise
- Stress
Because the parts of our bodies are interconnected, pain in the shoulder can affect the upper back and neck, and vice versa. If left untreated, pain in one part of the body can spread to other areas because those muscles attempt to compensate for the source of pain.
How Does Tao Shiatsu Work?
Tao Shiatsu gets to the root of upper back and shoulder pain. Moreover, through assisted stretches and pressure point (tsubo) therapy, the therapist can directly access the pain at its deepest level. After that, pain exits through the energetic pathways of the body known as meridians.

The Tao Shiatsu therapist unifies with the patient to connect deeply to the source of their pain. In addition, the therapist utilizes empathetic imagination to sense where the patient most wants and needs to feel pressure. The tsubo (pressure points) in Tao Shiatsu include the whole body. This results in the complete oneness of body, mind, and spirit, which activates and strengthens the patient’s innate healing power.
“I had back pain on my left side, and Lawrence helped me a great deal,” says Jeannette. “When I leave here, I feel like I’m in a bubble.”
Tao Shiatsu strengthens and improves the circulation of Ki (also known as “Chi”) in the body. Ki is the universal life-giving energy that manifests in all creation. Stuck or stagnated energy in the body is the root cause of all pain and disease known as ‘Jaki.’ Tao Shiatsu releases Jaki, therefore, returning the body to its natural state of homeostasis or equilibrium.
As a result of her successful Tao Shiatsu treatments, Jeannette has tremendous gratitude for feeling better and being pain-free. “I feel light and stress-free,” she says. “And I love coming here because Lawrence is kind-hearted and amiable.”
To learn how Tao Shiatsu can help you or someone you care about deal with acute or chronic pain, please contact us or call: 450 295-1470.