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Study Tao Shiatsu
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Tao Shiatsu Training


  • Find and feel the tsubo through your eyes from your heart
  • Be able to give effective treatment
  • Discover your potential power
  • Enhance your Communication capabilities
  • Heighten your happiness and enjoyment of life
  • Train and raise your Ki energy
  • Experience enlightenment


  • Renki Exercise
  • Tsubo, SST (Super vessel Specific Tsubo)
  • Meridians
  • Basic Forms 1, 2 and 3
  • Ki Communication

Feel the Ki energy

You can clearly feel the existence of Ki energy.

You’ll experience and understand,
the different Ki energy sensations in relation to the state of your heart.
Find and feel tsubo through your eyes from your heart
There is no fixed location for tsubo; so, where is tsubo?
You’ll understand with your own eyes through your heart.

Be able to give effective treatment

You can give the most effective treatment with the Ki method and treat tsubo by looking deep inside your heart.

Discover your potential power

The Ki method of Tao Shiatsu is based on Buddhist practice
that will unlock your potential power.

Enhance your communication capabilities

Practising Ki communication, will enhance your capacity to communicate with others.

Heighten your happiness and enjoyment of life

How can human beings be come happy?
Tao Shiatsu training is the answer to this question because it has proven to raise people’s power of happiness and enjoyment of life.
Train with Ki energy and increase your happiness and enjoyment in daily life!

Tao Shiatsu treatment is the unification of heart and body and you’ll experience surprise every class.

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