About Tao Sangha North America

Tao Shiatsu

Ancient Healing for Modern Times

What We Do

Shiatsu training at Tao Shiatsu Montreal involves the whole person and is seen as a growth process rather than a mere technical training. It is currently the only dedicated English language Shiatsu school in Montreal accredited by the FQM.

The size of the learning groups are small so that personal attention is given to each student and the teacher can foster the individual characteristics of each trainee. Students learn to develop their sensitivity to others as well as discovering and respecting their own limits. The core of the training involves lots of hands-on work leaving you feeling relaxed and replenished as you practice giving and receiving.

If you are contemplating a career in massage therapy, please feel free to call Jeanne Cronin, Shiatsu Therapist and Director of Tao Shiatsu Montreal to explore the possibilities of training in Shiatsu and to answer any questions you may have.



Tao Shiatsu Therapy is a treatment that you can accept and understand from the bottom of your heart.

Book Your Treatment

Our teachers

Jeanne Cronin

Jeanne is a former nurse who moved to Montreal from Pennsylvania in the late seventies. She became a Zen Shiatsu teacher and co-founded and operated Dragon & Phoenix for 20 years until encountering Tao Shiatsu. Then she found her life's path. She remains deeply motivated to share this inspired learning and treatment with others. After following Teacher certification with masters Ryokyu and Mayu Endo in Kyoto Japan she began to teach Tao Shiatsu.

Yutaka Toyoda

Whenever you look at Yutaka you just want to smile, and many times laugh! You can instantly feel that you have a good friend. He loves animals and particularly horses. Formerly, he worked as an equestrian trainer and rider. He also has experience in acupressure and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Encountering Tao Shiatsu was a turning point in Yutaka's life. It led to the restructuring of his thought processes and taught him to connect deeply to the Universal Way of Being. He is passionate to share the Tao with everyone.

Lawrence Lefcort

Lawrence is a certified Tao Shiatsu teacher and practitioner. Born and raised in Montreal, Québec, he spent much of his twenties living and traveling around south and southeast Asia, studying yoga and meditation with teachers in India, Burma, Sri Lanka and China. Although never drawn to Japan, he developed a passion for Shiatsu, and by some good fortune encountered Ryokyu Endo, founder of the International Tao Shiatsu Society, at a workshop in Montreal.

Study Tao Shiatsu

The Tao Shiatsu Introductory Course will teach you how to share the healing power of this revolutionary Japanese healing method. This unique and cutting-edge training program begins the weekend of September 24-25, 2022, and continues one weekend per month for five months.

Click here for full details about our course curriculum.

The Tao Shiatsu Montreal program is based on the International Tao Shiatsu Society training that is following the teaching of Ryokyu Endo, founder of Tao Shiatsu. Complimentary courses are provided by Tao Shiatsu Montreal’s experienced teachers and resource staff.

Tao Shiatsu is energy medicine. Vital life energy or “KI” is in constant movement. Pain and disease result from blockages in the movement of Ki. Tao Shiatsu stimulates your body’s internal healing power by releasing stagnant and toxic Ki, and the restored flow allows for stress, pain and disease to be relieved.

The Certification Program at Tao Shiatsu Montreal allows the student to become certified in Quebec while following this unique and powerful study of Tao Shiatsu recognized and taught world-wide. Students are supported in their development to expand their hearts, minds and spirits to become Tao Shiatsu Practitioners.


Contact us


2325 Centre St., Montréal, QC H3K 1J6 Canada

Opening hours

Monday to Friday
8:00 am to 8:00 pm (by appointment)
9:00 am to 6:00 pm (by appointment)
9:00 am to 6:00 pm (by appointment)

Tao Shiatsu

Tao Shiatsu

Tao Shiatsu
Eastern Townships QC

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