About Tao Sangha North America

Tao Shiatsu
Eastern Townships

Heal yourself, heal your life.

What We Do

Tao Shiatsu training involves the whole person and is seen as a growth process rather than a mere technical training. All courses are accredited by the FQM.

The size of the learning groups are small so that personal attention is given to each student and the teacher can foster the individual characteristics of each trainee.

Students learn to develop their sensitivity to others as well as discovering and respecting their own limits. The core of the training involves much hands-on work leaving students feeling relaxed and replenished as they practice giving and receiving.


Tao Shiatsu Therapy is a treatment that you can accept and understand from the bottom of your heart.

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Our teachers

Lawrence Lefcort

Lawrence is a certified Tao Shiatsu teacher and practitioner. Born and raised in Montreal, Québec, he spent much of his twenties living and traveling around south and southeast Asia, studying yoga and meditation with teachers in India, Burma, Sri Lanka and China. Although never drawn to Japan, he developed a passion for Shiatsu, and by some good fortune encountered Ryokyu Endo, founder of the International Tao Shiatsu Society, at a workshop in Montreal.As an unwavering seeker of truth, Lawrence felt an immediate resonance and connection with the teachings of Master Endo and Mahayana Buddhism. He’s never looked back after that. A long-time Buddhist practitioner, Lawrence incorporates a deep heart and strong meditative foundation into his therapeutic practice. He is an accredited member of the Fédération Québecoise des Massothérapeutes (F.Q.M.).

Study Tao Shiatsu

The Tao Shiatsu training program is based on the International Tao Shiatsu Society training that follows the teaching of Master Ryokyu Endo, founder of Tao Shiatsu.

The courses are provided by certified and experienced Tao Shiatsu teachers and resource staff.

Tao Shiatsu is energy medicine. Vital life energy or “Ki” is in constant movement. Pain and disease result from blockages in the movement of Ki. Tao Shiatsu stimulates your body’s internal healing power by releasing stagnant and toxic Ki. The restored flow allows for stress, pain and disease to be relieved.



Contact us


3809 QC-202 (Principale), suite 206, Dunham QC J0E 1M0

Opening hours

Monday to Friday
8:30 am to 6:00 pm (by appointment)
By appointment only

Tao Shiatsu

Tao Shiatsu

Tao Shiatsu
Eastern Townships QC

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